Pacific Fishery Management Council

Pacific Fishery Management Council

June 2024 Council Meeting - Briefing Book Public Comments

Public Comments
Closed for written comment at 06/03/2024 05:00 PM PDT Closed for oral testimony sign-up

Meeting Navigation

Meeting Time: 06/08/2024 08:00 AM PDT

The following Agenda is subject to change.
Please be respectful and courteous with your comments.




Written comments are accepted in Advance of the meeting start date.
To submit a Written Public Comment, click on the Agenda Item below you wish to comment on. Fill in
your name, organization,
E-mail address (for confirmation E-mail to be sent), and either type in your Public Comment OR Attach it. 

You can sign up for oral testimony in the E-Portal starting 8am on the first day of the meeting.

IF REMOTE: Once signed up, on the day of the agenda item you wish to speak to, you MUST join the RingCentral meeting
as an attendee for your ability to speak. You will join in listen only mode, but a microphone icon will appear when your name is called. NOTE: When logging in, make sure you enter your name in the name field, especially on mobile app as it will autofill "iPhone" or "Samsung" by default.

IF IN PERSON: When your name is called, walk up to the pulic testimony table to present your comment.

Visit the June Council Meeting page and our FAQ page learn more.
If you have questions or concerns please contact & in advance of your agenda item.


The E-Portal will open on 5/1/24 and close at 5pm Pacific Time on 6/3/24. Comment received between 5/1 and 5/16 by 5pm Pacific Time
will become visible on 5/17 when Briefing Book materials are posted. Comments received between 5/17 and 6/3 will be viewable upon approval and no later than the start of the Council meeting.

 You may attach written comments to support your oral testimony, but they will not be visible until after public comment has ended and you have testified.
  If you wish to present a PowerPoint Presentation please sign up for comment check the box you will have a PowerPoint or Visual Aid, and
email the Presentation to PFMC IT Staff (Kris Kleinschmidt & Hayden York) no later than 5pm the day before the agenda item is scheduled. You will recieve a confirmation email when your submission was recieved.


A. Call to Order
A1 Opening Remarks, Roll Call, Agenda
B. Open Comment Period
B1 4 Comments Comments on Non-Agenda Items
C. Administrative Matters
C1 0 Comments Council Coordination Committee (CCC) Update
C2 1 Comment Council Operations and Priorities
C3 0 Comments Legislative Matters
C4 0 Comments Fiscal Matters
C5 Approval of Council Meeting Record
C6 0 Comments Membership Appointments and Council Operating Procedures - 2025-27 Advisory Body Composition and Respectful Workplace Policies
C7 0 Comments Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
D. Habitat Issues
D1 0 Comments Current Habitat Issues
E. Salmon Management
E1 0 Comments Sacramento River Fall Chinook Workgroup – Progress Report
E2 0 Comments Queets River Spring/Summer Chinook Rebuilding Plan – Progress Report
F. Groundfish Management
F1 0 Comments National Marine Fisheries Service Report
F2 9 Comments Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Coral Research and Restoration Closures - Final Action
F3 0 Comments Final Stock Assessment Plan and Terms of Reference
F4 0 Comments Stock Definitions for Species Assessed in 2025 and 2027 – Range Of Alternatives
F5 1 Comment Fixed Gear Marking and Entanglement Risk Reduction – Final Action
F6 0 Comments 2025-26 Harvest Specifications, Management Measures, and Exempted Fishing Permits – Final Action
F7 0 Comments Inseason Management
G. Highly Migratory Species Management
G1 1 Comment National Marine Fisheries Service Report
G2 0 Comments International Management Activities
G3 0 Comments Exempted Fishing Permits
G4 1 Comment Drift Gillnet Bycatch Performance Report
H. Cross Fishery Management Plan
H1 0 Comments Marine Planning
H2 0 Comments NMFS Regional Equity and Environmental Justice (EEJ) Plan and EEJ Committee - Update
I. Coastal Pelagic Species Management
I1 0 Comments Stock Assessment Terms of Reference and Accepted Practices - Final Action